separate instance of dots on the dice Amelie drew, she counted them out loud. Four-
year-olds do not only represent things they physically count, but also can often repre-
sent and count some things that they cannot see, such as Jenna’s raindrops (Figure 6.8).
Figure 6.8 Jenna’s raindrops
Horizontal and vertical arrangements
Next, children appear to represent items or numerals in a line, usually horizontally –
as in his drawing of books that William counted (Figure 7.3). Occasionally the items
they draw are set out vertically, as in Jenna’s raindrops (Figure 6.8).
Several researchers have demonstrated the vital importance of counting in the
initial calculation strategies young children use (Carpenter and Moser, 1984;
Fuson and Hall, 1983; Gelman and Gallistel, 1978). Gelman and Gallistel identified
five basic principles that are guided by young children’s implicit understanding. It
is interesting to note that in their graphic representations, children’s strategies do
indeed appear to be governed by the principle of one-to-one counting: they
invariably arrange items or numerals to be counted in a line, and then begin
counting with the first item they had represented (Gelman and Gallistel, 1978).
Jenna, 3:9, began writing her name in the top right-hand corner. After writing ‘J’,
she was obliged to continue from right to left to complete her name. She also
drew and counted the raindrops from top right, counting each vertical column
before proceeding to the next, in the same direction that she had written her
name. Perhaps the coloured pens she’s used reminded her of a rainbow and this
suggested ‘raindrops’.
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