strategies persists through the primary years. Children’s choices of ways to represent
operations do not remain static since discussion, modelling and conferencing alter
individuals’ perspectives and continuously introduce them to further possibilities.
Negotiation and co-construction of meaning are taking place. The ‘melting pot’
period therefore covers a huge range of representations through an extended period
of time. Some children in this period may choose different ways of representing their
calculations as they refine their ways and ideas of representing addition and
Subtracting beans
The following account is included to show something of the range of strategies chil-
dren in one class chose, and their use of narrative action, when representing their
subtraction calculations.
Supporting children’s own mathematical marks
It is important to emphasise that as teachers we constantly assist and guide children
as they move towards increasingly efficient processes and standard use of symbols.
Supporting and extending children’s mathematical understanding through their
graphical marks can sometimes cause misunderstanding amongst teachers. When
teaching in classes where children are not used to representing their ideas in
114 Children’s Mathematics
Working with my class of 5 and 6-year olds, I decided to use some surplus beans and
flowerpots left over from science, for subtraction. Although we had explored
subtraction in practical contexts, this was the first time that the children had
represented what they were doing on paper.
Early in the session the children spent time playing with the beans, adding and
removing small amounts of beans from their pot. I introduced a game to play with a
partner. First one child in each pair counted (out loud) a small number of beans which
she put in a pot.The other child then removed one or more beans and her partner
worked out how many remained in the pot. Finally, they both counted the beans that
remained in the pot, in order to check.
After a while I put some paper and pens near the children and suggested they put
something down on paper to help their thinking. Barney (Figure 7.4) began writing
‘10 take 1 is 9’, then changed his mind after he had written ‘2 take 1 is 1’. Next he
drew the flowerpots and beans, using arrows drawn in an arc above the one bean he
removed.The arrows point to the second pot in which he has shown the total
remaining.This narrative action is a very powerful way of representing what he has
done. Using successive shorthand he next simplified this written method by reducing
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