- counting on from the larger of the two numbers
- using a number line with points marked on it
- using an ‘empty number line’
- partitioning numbers
- exploring alternative ways of working or checking a calculation
- the use of derived number facts
- some understanding of commutativity (see Figure 10.6 ‘super-zero’).
Examples of subtraction with larger numbers using mental methods
or jottings
The empty number line is also a taught strategy introduced in England by the
National Numeracy Strategy(DfEE, 1999a). It is also used extensively in Holland (see
Chapter 1). In England this is one of several forms of notation that are termed ‘jot-
tings’, although these are not intuitive methods. This term ‘jotting’ is ambiguous.
Jotting down is something most adults would be familiar doing when, for
example, estimating rolls of wallpaper for a room – our jottings aid quick calcula-
tions. Sean, 7:6, (Figure 7.12a) also partitioned 86 and 47 in order to combine them,
then checked this by re-working the calculation in a different order beneath what
he’d first written. At the foot of his page he used a drawing of a number track to
check part of his calculation.
There is potential for children to adapt this number line model in flexible ways
depending on their need, as Miles, 7:5, did (Figure 7.12b). Miles’s class were about to
leave for a residential trip; we used a pack containing three nectarines to calculate
how many packs would be needed for the whole class (see Chapter 9). Using a piece
of A4 paper Miles began by drawing a horizontal line across the width of the page.
Because the way in which he had chosen to orientate his paper restricted the number
of jumps he could make Miles adapted his method of subtraction, changing from
jumps of 3 to jumps of 6 several times. Reading from right to left, he wrote beneath
the jumps the cumulative number of packs of nectarines that he was calculating for
26 children to have one nectarine each, to arrive at his answer. This signifies that
Miles has discovered a more efficient method.
In Figure 7.11a, Darryl, 7:3, decided to work out this addition calculation by
partitioning the numbers before adding (partitioning numbers is a taught
strategy). He noticed that he had made an error to begin with and reworked
what he had done, lower down.Working in this way allowed him to go beyond
the hundred boundary. Although at first Stefan, 7:7, had added 8 and the 4 rather
than 80 and 40, he was soon able to see that this did not make sense and
reworked this part of his calculation (Figure 7.11b). Stefan used his jottings to
help him arrive at an answer which he finally resolved mentally.
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