is how this interacts with the learner. Only then will we be in a position to provide
the kind of interaction and provision necessary to promote intellectual and emo-
tional growth. (Matthews, 1999, p. 163)
In recent years several studies have explored the rich variety of ways in which chil-
dren make meaning in ‘multi-modal ways’ through their play and with a variety of
resources and media. Kress argues that such ways form the pre-history of writing for
young children and deserve to be taken seriously by adults (Kress, 1997). Develop-
ing the same argument in her book Transformations: Meaning Making in Nursery Edu-
cation, Pahl uses detailed observations to provide powerful evidence and challenge
our ideas about communication and literacy. These studies make an enormous con-
tribution to teachers’ understanding of the complex ways in which young children
make meaning (Pahl, 1999a).
In the Froebel Block Play Project directed by Tina Bruce, Gura analysed children’s use
of block play at a deep level (Gura, 1992). Through observing children in their block
play, Gura presents ways that they represent their mathematics in three-dimensional
space. Children discover mathematical relationships as they ‘doodle’ in their block play,
which they use in more challenging structures. Gura states that when children engage
in block play that makes sense to them, and in partnerships with adults, they can make
relationships between practical mathematics and the disembedded symbolism of
formal mathematics. When children in the study voluntarily drew their structures they
used a variety of responses from pictographic to iconic. It was noted that children as
young as 3 were moving towards less embedded representations. The Froebel Block Play
Project illustrates many similar pedagogical issues that we found important in support-
ing children’s own mathematical representation. For example, Gura advocates an inter-
actionist approach which includes negotiation, respecting and enabling children and
understanding the variety and diversity of children’s own representations.
In a recent study of play entitled Teaching through Play, Bennett, Wood and Rogers
explore teachers’ thinking and classroom practice, and highlight the teaching of
another member of our Emergent Mathematics Teachers’ group, Petrie Murchison
(‘Jenny’). In their final chapter the authors consider implications for teachers’ pro-
fessional development, advocating that teachers become proactive and ‘use
informed awareness and deliberative thought processes’ (Bennett, Wood and Rogers,
1997). Such a proactive stance is outlined by Manning and Payne (1993) who rec-
ommend a social-constructivist approach which ‘involves the processes of social
interaction with knowledgeable others, scaffolding procedures, the acquisition and
application of knowledge about teaching in general and one’s own teaching in par-
ticular’ (cited in Bennett, Wood and Rogers, 1997, p. 131). In the following section
we outline our enquiry into children’s mathematics as members of the Emergent
Mathematics Teachers’ group where, as proactive teachers, we did just this.
Enquiring into children’s mathematics
Whilst he was visiting England in 1990, Rex Stoessinger, a researcher from New
Zealand, arranged to meet a county mathematics adviser, Mary Wilkinson. Rex was
Who takes notice of children’s own ‘written’ mathematics? 11
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