may help the student to clarify, to predict, to develop further, to look for alternatives”’
(Stoessinger and Wilkinson, 1991, cited in Gifford, 1997, p. 78).
There are important links between children’s early literacy and their early mathe-
matical graphics: teachers who understand the theory and practice of emergent
writing can benefit because, like us, they can find an easier way into helping chil-
dren move from their informal mathematics to more standard forms. Thus they have
already gone part of the way because of their understanding of early writing. It is a
useful connection to make for this reason.
In early childhood mathematics we are currently in the position that emergent
writing appeared over 30 years ago. We have argued that supporting the develop-
ment of children’s early mathematical graphics is: ‘provocative maths, that is to say
it inspires, motivates and challenges children’s minds. It requires them to gradually
make existing perceptions explicit, to try out alternative ways of thinking, looking
and representing’ (Worthington and Carruthers, 1998, p. 15).
In Chapter 5 we consider the difficulties that children experience when they first
encounter the formal language of mathematics and its abstract symbolism. We show
that teachers often experience challenges in trying to help children make sense of
mathematics. We propose that encouraging and supporting the development of chil-
dren’s own mathematical marks and written methods helps children ‘bridge the gap’
between their informal ‘home’ mathematics and subsequent abstract mathematics.
We introduce the concept of ‘bi-numeracy’.
Further Reading
Early writing
- Cambourne, B. (1988) The Whole Story: Natural Learning and the Acquisition of Lit-
eracy in the Classroom. New York: Ashton Scholastic. - Hall, N. (1987) The Emergence of Literacy. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
- Whitehead, M. (2004) Language and Literacy Learning in the Early Years (3rd
edition). London: Sage.
Emergent Maths - Atkinson, S. (1992) Maths with Reason. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
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