. What Do You Say After You Say Hello? New York: Grove Press, 1972.
Vaillant, George E. The Natural History of Alcoholism: Causes, Patterns and Paths to Recovery Cambridge, MA:
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Vine, Phyllis. Families in Pain: Children, Siblings, Spouses and Parents of the Mentally Ill Speak Out New York:
Pantheon Books, 1982.
Wallis, Charles L, ed. The Treasure Chest New York: Harper & Row, 1965.
Wholey, Dennis. The Courage to Change Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.
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Woititz, Janet Geringer. Adult Children of Alcoholics Hollywood, FL Health Communications, 1983.
Wolman, Benjamin B., ed. International Encyclopedia of Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychoanalysis & Neurology, vol. 7
New York: Aesculapius Publishers, 1977.
York, Phyllis and David, and Ted Wachtel. Tough love Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1982.
Beattie, Melody. Denial Center City, MN: Hazelden Educational Materials, 1986.
Burgin, James E. Help for the Marriage Partner of an Alcoholic Center City, MN: Hazelden Educational Materials,
Emotions Anonymous International Services. The Enormity of Emotional illness: The Hope Emotions Anonymous Has to
Offer St. Paul, MN: Emotions Anonymous International Services, 1973.
H., Barbara. Untying the Knots: One Parent's View Center City, MN: Hazelden Educational Materials, 1984.
Harrison, Earl. Boozlebane on Alcoholism and the Family Center City, MN: Hazelden Educational Materials, 1984.
Hazelden Educational Materials. Teen Drug Use: What Can Parents Do? Center City, MN: Hazelden Educational
Materials. (Reprinted with permission of Department of Public Instruction, Bismarck, ND, Drug Abuse Education Act of
. No Substitute for Love: Ideas for Family Living Center City, MN: Hazelden Educational Materials. (Reprinted with
permission of Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention, Executive Office of the President, Washington, DC, in
conjunction with the Drug Abuse Prevention Week in 1973.)
. Step Four: Guide to Fourth Step Inventory for the Spouse Center City, MN: Hazelden Educational Materials, 1976.
. Learn about Families and Chemical Dependency Center City, MN: Hazelden Educational Materials, 1985.
Kellermann, Joseph L The Family and Alcoholism: A Move from Pathology to Process Center City, MN: Hazelden
Educational Materials, 1984.
. A Guide for the Family of the Alcoholic New York: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, 1984.
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Nakken, Jane. Enabling Change: When Your Child Returns Home from Treatment Center City, MN: Hazelden
Educational Materials, 1985.