On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep

(Nora) #1

habits. Parents feel confident and relaxed when they have a plan and a
goal for their infant and family. Once a family has found success with the
principles in Babywise, they pass along their satisfaction to every new
parent they meet. Simply put. ‘It works!’
David M. Miller, M.D.
Superior, CO

I am a practicing pediatrician and assistant professor of pediatrics.
Residents and new mothers I work with have found On Becoming
Babywise overwhelmingly successful. My residents report a positive
difference in the confidence of new mothers who work with this plan
compared to those who do not. The freedom Babywise provides a new
mother is so refreshing. Life is predictable, allowing her to be proactive
in parenting, not reactive, which usually produces less than desirable
results. My parents become baby wise with Babywise.
Linda Meloy, M.D.
Richmond, Virginia

Medical school in no way prepared me for one of the more demanding
aspects of my practice: dealing with infant feeding. The theory of feeding
a baby whenever it cries, which was standard teaching, was not only
without justification—it simply did not meet the needs of my patients.
Since being introduced to the principles of On Becoming Babywise, I have
been convinced of its effectiveness in establishing sleep patterns and in
decreasing the frequency of problems associated with infant feeding. If
thriving children and happy, rested parents were not enough, my greatest
commendation of On Becoming Babywise is that my own children are
being raised by these precepts.
Craig Lloyd, M.D.
Brisbane, Australia

As a pediatrician, I cannot argue with the success of On Becoming
Babywise. It is such a practical approach to parenting. It provides infants
with needed structure and stability and brings the joy and love so needed

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