On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep

(Nora) #1
A   mother  from    Vancouver,  British Columbia

My husband and I want to thank you for helping us gain the confidence to
parent. Your book has been around to all the expectant moms at our
preschool. Everyone wants to know why our son, Jonathan, is such a good
baby. My husband and I have found parenting to be a joyful experience. It
makes so much sense to work from a plan and provide order for our child.
Because of that, I have more energy for my husband, my friends, and to
do the extra things with my son. Thank you.
A mother from Los Angeles, California

My wife and I were introduced to your program while in marriage
counseling. It was then that we discovered the trap of child-centered
parenting. In the name of “good parenthood,” we gave up our marriage—
figuratively and nearly literally. We did this for the “baby’s good.” That
sounded sacrificial and was something I wanted to do as a father. But I
never realized how faulty that thinking was until I read your first two
chapters. Your book makes sense out of nonsense.
After eighteen months of misery, we started our son on a routine.
After three nights he began sleeping through the night and my wife began
to sleep with me—but this time alone. What a difference a good night’s
sleep makes to a toddler’s disposition! We had a new son. Get these vital
principles out to every family of childbearing age.
A father from Atlanta, Georgia

I am a grandmother with fourteen grandchildren. I must admit, the
evidence of your principles is apparent in our family. My second
daughter was introduced to your material in Florida and brought it back
to the rest of the family. I was surprised that your teaching is needed. You
tell parents to do what we did years ago when there were no books or
tapes, just practical wisdom. Thank you for your practical advice. You
have helped make grandparenting a joy.
A grandmother from Raleigh, North Carolina

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