chemistry experiments for children

(lily) #1

How toMakea Test Tube Holder.Cuta 12-inch piece of wire from the lower
edgeofa wirecoathanger. Use a wirecutteror apairofwire-cuttingpliers.
Or, with anordinarypairofblunt-tippedpliers, bend the wire back andforth
until itbreaks.Startingat one end, wrap the wirearounda dowel stick ofabout
the samediameterasyourtest tubes.Startwrappingthe wire from thetopof
the dowel stick andmakeat least threeturnsdownward.Remove the dowel and
bend theotherend of the wire into a loop to use as a handle. Try the wire
holderaroundone testtubefor size. Thetubeshouldfit within the coils loosely,
butshouldn'tslidethrough.The edge of the tubeshouldrest on theuppermost
coil.Ifthetubedoesn'tfitcorrectlyinto theholder,adjustthe coils until it does.
Youmightwanttomakeseveral testtubeholders.

How toMakea Test Tube Rack. Findan emptybutsturdyshoe boxthatis
notquiteas wide asyourtest tubes are long. Remove the cover andstandthe
box on its side, with theopenpartfacing you. Using the top edgeofa test
tubeas a guide, trace six circles in astraightline on theuppermostside.Now
cut them out with apairof scissors oryourpenknife. Cut the rim off the cover,
and fit the cover into the boxparallelto the sides.Ifit'stoo large to fit into the
box, trim it where necessary. Stick a pencil downthroughthe holes in the side
ofthe box to thetrimmed-offcover, and makemarkson it, directly below the
centerofeach hole.Nowcutoutholesaroundthesemarksand make them the
same size as theothersix holes. The sideofthe box will be the rack as you have
probablyguessed and thetrimmed-offcover will be a shelfunderneathit. With
cellophanetapeattachthe shelf to the wallsofthe rackabout1 inch from the

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