World Bank Document

(Ann) #1

neuronal pathways, 50–51, 64
sensing pathways, 49–50
stress pathways, 50, 51, 53
See alsoEarly child development
Brazil, 6, 7, 68, 69, 215–223. See also
Millennium Fund for Early
Childhood, Brazil’s

Canada, 34, 35–36, 40, 70, 275
child vulnerability, assessment of,
70, 175–178, 280
community research, 175–178
Council for Early Child
Development, 35, 180–181
longitudinal monitoring of ECD
outcomes, 167–182
National Longitudinal Survey of
Children and Youth, 170–173
Ontario Child Health Study,
population literacy, 64–68, 81
school readiness assessments. See
Early Development Instrument
Toronto First Duty, 178–179
Understanding the Early Years,
Canadian Autoworkers Union, 178
Caregivers, support for, 5, 74, 78–79,
105, 112, 188, 258
Central Asia and the Caucasus, 161
Central, Eastern, or Southern Europe,
155–158, 161–163
Chicago Child–Parent Centers, 20, 73,
Chile, 64, 273
China, 7–8, 71
Colombian program of Community
Welfare Homes, 131–154
community mothers, agents of
change, 137–139, 141, 144
coverage, 134, 144
evaluation strategy and findings,
131–132, 142–148
future issues and challenges,
140–142, 148–151
goals, 132–133, 151–152
national alliance, 151
program model, 134–136

structure and operation, 131,
132–134, 144
Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS), 157
Community involvement
ECD program design
considerations, 5
Jamaican government ECD
programs, 208–209
local administration of Indone-
sian ECD grants, 242–246
school readiness studies, 196
support for ECD program, 4, 5
See alsoColombian program of
Community Welfare Homes
Competitive Fund for Educational
Innovations, Dominican Republic’s,
225–232, 258
early results, 230–231
funding, 225
future prospects, 232
grants process, 227, 228–230
methodology and organization,
objectives and challenges,
projects and activities, 231
Consilience, 259
Continuity of programs, 28
Cortisol, 52–53, 54, 59–60, 72–73
Cuba, 68–69
Cultural relevance, 5
program evaluation, 99–100
school readiness assessment,
Cytokines, 54–55
Data collection and research
ECD symposia and conferences,
for Early Childhood Longitudinal
Study, 279
for program assessments, 26–27,
96–97, 260
necessary actions, 12
on early child development in
Canada, 36
population-based assessment
in developing countries,

298 Index

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