(Jacob Rumans) #1

PARTIII:THEWORLDOFANIMALS........................ 57
Making a Hay Infusion to Study Protozoa... Observing
Protozoa... Making a Collection of Sea Shells and Animals

... Studying a Starfish... The Oyster and the Pearl...
Studying a Grasshopper-aTypical Insect ...Watching a
Caterpillar Become aMothor Butterfly... How the Firefly
Glows ...How the Spider Spins a Web ...How a Fish
Breathes... Studying the Skeleton of a Fish... Observing
Circulationof Blood in the Tail of a Goldfish...The Elements
of a "Balanced"Aquarium...Observing theMetamorphosis
of a Frog... Raising Pet Turtles... The Structure of a
Chicken Egg...Studying the Digestive Organs of the Chicken
...Studying theStructureof a Chicken Leg

PARTIV:THE HUMANANIMAL............................ 79
TheHumanMouth...Identifying Foods by Taste Alone...
Distinguishing Taste Areas ofthe Tongue Observing a
BeefHeart...The Human Heartand Pulse Making a
Working Model of the Chest Cavity ShowingthatCarbon
Dioxide is aProductof Exhalation ShowingthatWater
Vapor is Present in Exhaled Air Examining Lung Tissue
from a Beef or Calf...Using aThermometer-NaturalBody
Heat...How the Skin Throws off Body Wastes...The Skin
-ABuilt-InThermostat...Studying a Lamb Kidney...The
Strength ofHabit...HabitFormation...Learning by Trial-
and-Error...A Simple Lesson in"Learning"

INDEX........................................................ 96

To Richard and Billy
for their help, patience andunderstanding
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