Biologistscall thedevelopmentoffrog eggsintofrogs a metamorphosis.
The processissimilarto thetransformation ofa caterpillarintoamothor
butterflydescribedon pages 66-67.
As the tadpoleisdevelopinghis legs, his tail gets shorterbecauseit is
beingabsorbedas food. He getsotherkindsoffood byscrapingthe leaves
In theprocessofbecomingan adultfrog, the tadpolelosthis gillsand
developedlungs to taketheirplace. Atadpolebreathesonly inwater, buta
frogbreathesonland. The frog is called anamphibian,a term given toanimals
whichcanlive onlandas well as inwater.
Ittakesabout60 to 90 days for atadpoleto becomea full-grownfrog.
Iffrog eggs develop intotadpolesin the early spring,it isusuallyaboutthe
firstofJulythattheybecomefrogs. However,the huge,deep-voicedbullfrog
usually spends two winters as a tadpole. It takes three years for him to
Materials: An aquarium or vivarium (a container ofplastic or glass
especiallydesigned forraisinganimalssuch asturtles),a flatrockor afloating
Follow this procedure: Buy two or three small turtlesin a pet shopor
bringhomea smallwoodturtlefrom apond.
Ifyou use anaquarium,itshouldcontaintwo to fourinches ofwater.
Adda corkfloat or place a flat rockin onecornerofthetankas aresting
place for theturtles.