Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1

normally shrinks and expands the loose knot will eventually be pushed
out leaving a hole.

Here’s the cut list for our step stool:

(2) Sides ¾” x 14 ½” x 10”

(1) Step ¾” x 13 ½” x 13”

(2) Risers ¾” x 5 ½” x 13 ½”

(1)Top ¾”x7¼”x16”

The first thing you may notice about the cut list is the size of the side
pieces and step, particularly the width, (remember the first number is the
thickness, and second is the width and the last is the length). The widest
board you’re going to find at your building supply store is 12”. So how
do you think we can make a board wider? By using a board stretcher?
No, actually they haven’t invented one of those yet. So until they do
(don’t hold your breath) if you need a wider board you have to glue two
boards together.

To get the width we need for the sides and step we have to glue two 1” x
8”boardstogether. Rememberthata1x8”boardisactually7¼”wide.
So gluing two together will give us a board 14 ½” wide. This is exactly
the size we need for the sides with just a little to trim off the step.

Step 1
Cut four 10” long pieces off your 8’
board. For the step cut two boards 13”
long. If you’re lucky the edges of the
boards will come together without any
gaps, but as you can see in the picture to
the right ours didn’t. To correct this
plane. Clamp the boards one at a time

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