Step 7
Now let’s attach the two bottom
pieces of the suet feeder. Turn
the bottom piece that you
drilled the holes into face down
on the workbench. Spread
some glue between the two
pieces then nail them together
just so we don’t’ have to wait
for them to dry.
Take the glued and nailed together
bottom and center it on the bottom
tray. Just as before when we were
doing this for the top centering
doesn’t have to be exact, but very
close. This is because the dowels must
line up with the holes drilled into the
top. The measurements will be the
around. Again, spread some glue on
the bottom then nail it to the tray. 4d
nails won’t be long enough for this
you need a 5d (2”) nail. If you don’t
have a couple, use your clamps and
just wait for it to dry.