Step 1
Let’s work on the handle
first. If you haven’t cut it
to size from the cut list yet
go on and do that. Next
we need to cut a notch into
the bottom section of the
handle. This is so we can
use the handle to hold the
catapult arm in place
before firing. Use your
combination square and set it to read at ½”. Then, use your pencil to
slide along with the combination square to mark off 3 ¼” on the side that
measures 1” in width. We need to angle the top of the notch so that it
better grips the catapult arm. So, instead of cutting straight across, drop
down about a ½” and cut at an angle back up to your cut line. (See the
picture of the catapult parts cut to size).
Step 2
We need to glue the short spacer to the two long boards next. The
spacer’s job is to, you guessed it; keep a space between the two long
boards. If we didn’t have a spacer block
the two long pieces would pinch together
trapping the catapult arm. Take one of the
long boards and measure over 1 1/8”. At
this mark place the short spacer flush with
the bottom edge and trace an outline onto
the long board. Next spread some glue on
both sides of the spacer and line it back up
onto the long board and place the other
long board on top. Use your speed square
to make sure that the ends of the long
boards are even. Using some help to make
sure that the pieces don’t slide around put
a couple of 4d finish nails into each side to