Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1

Step 8
There’s one last thing to do in the construction of the catapult. Using
your brace and a 1/8” diameter bit drill a small pilot hole 1 ½” deep that
goes through the catapult arm near
The exact placement of the hole
doesn’t matter just make sure that it
goes through the long board and
into the catapult arm. Next, put a 4d
nail in the hole to act like a safety
pin. With this pin installed, the
catapult arm will be unable to move.

Step 9
Let’s get this thing ready to launch! First thing we need to do is to wrap
a rubber band around the bolt on each side of the tall spacer. After
wrapping a rubber band around the bolt loop one end back through the
center and pull it tight. (Yeah, that last sentence would make much
sense to me either if I hadn’t written it; look at the picture for more
detail.) Do this for both rubber bands. Next bring the catapult arm up
and slip the rubber bands around the hooks. Slowly pull the arm down
and put the safety pin in. Place the marshmallow into the cup then move
the handle over the catapult arm and pull out the safety pin.

Make sure that nothing and especially NOBODY is around or in front of
the catapult.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, release the handle and fire away!


Caution! This catapult should not be used to throw anything except large size marshmallows.
Keep hands clear of the catapult arm when being released. Make sure the area is clear before using
the catapult of people, pets or breakable objects (we don’t want Mom and Dad mad at us, do we)? If,
after repeated use the catapult arm becomes badly dented from hitting the stopper bolt, discontinue
use. You can easily replace the dented catapult arm with a new one. Anytime the catapult arm is
pulled down with rubber bands attached you should have the safety pin in. The only time it is safe to
remove the safety pin is after the handle is underneath the catapult arm and you are ready to fire.
Failure to follow these safety procedures may result in serious harm. The author assumes no liability
for harm resulting from the use of the catapult.
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