Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1


  1. Using a combination square or a speed square draw a line across a
    scrap piece of wood. This line is perpendicular to the edge. Using
    your handsaw try to cut just to the right or left of the line. By
    leaving the line instead of cutting right on it you will be able to
    have something to follow while you’re cutting. If you’re still
    having some difficulty keeping the blade cutting in a straight line
    try this trick. Place a board that has a straight edge across this line
    and clamp it down. Use this as a reference for keeping the saw
    going in a straight line. It also helps keep the saw blade
    perpendicular to the work surface. When you’re done, place the
    square back on the work surface to see how close you came to
    staying on the line. Keep practicing until you can cut a straight
    line that’s perpendicular to the edge of the work piece.

  2. Have some fun with your coping saw by drawing some squiggly
    lines or circles and trying to stay on track as you saw. Hold the
    saw as in the picture from the coping saw section, and you’ll
    master it in no time.

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