Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1

birds listed above. Feel free to change any of the dimensions below to
better suit the species of bird you’re trying to attract.

You can build this birdhouse from one 1”x 6”x 6’ piece of pine.
Remember the symbols for inches (“) and feet (‘). Also, the true
dimensions or nominal size of our 1” x 6” is ¾”x 5 ½”. So any time you
see the width listed as 5 ½” you won’t have to cut down the width to
size, only the length.

(2) Sides- ¾”x 5 ½”x 6”
(2) Ends- ¾”x 5 ½” x 8 ¼”
(1) Bottom- ¾”x 4”x 6”
(1) Right side roof- ¾”x 5 ½”x 9”
(1) Left side roof- ¾”x 4 ¾” x 9”

Step 1
Lay out the 1 x 6 by marking the dimensions with your measuring tape,
speed square, and pencil. Use chalk to mark (on the board) what each
piece will be used for before you cut it free. It will be much easier to put
the birdhouse together without having to measure a piece again to see
what part it is or even worse, getting the pieces mixed up and putting
the birdhouse together wrong.

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