Double check your measurements
before you cut each piece from the
1x6. If your cuts get off the mark at
all that will mean that the next piece
will be too short or too long.
Here’s a saying that woodworkers
have used for years to remind
themselves to be sure of a
measurement before cutting:
Measure twice, cut once
Step 2
Next, the front and back angles for the roof need to
be cut. Cut the back piece first before you do
anything to the front piece, I’ll show you why later.
Find the center point on the width of the board
whichis2¾”andplaceamark. Nowmeasure
down2¾”oneachsideandplaceamark. Drawa
line from the center point to each point on the sides.
(See picture below). Clamp a guide piece on the
line and cut the corners off.