Microsoft Word - Woodshop 101 Part 1 of 3

(vip2019) #1

Step 3
All that’s left on the shelf is to drill a hole for a baseball to rest in. The
center point for the hole is 2 ½” over from the right side of the shelf and
1¼”infromthefrontedge. Useyourmeasuringtapeandcombination
square to lay out these lines. The place where the lines intersect is the
center point. Put a 1” auger bit in your brace and drill the hole at this
center point. If you clamp the shelf in a
vise remember to drill only until the tip of
the bit sticks out the other end. At this
point flip the piece around and continue
drilling out the hole from this side. By
doing this the wood won’t tear out as the

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