Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

(singke) #1
Psychosomatics 181

Edwards M, Titman P. (2010)Promoting Psychological Wellbeing in Children
with Acute and Chronic Illness. London: Jessica Kingsley. (A short, read-
able book that has many helpful strategies for helping children and
adolescents with a variety of illnesses, and for those with medically
unexplained symptoms.)
Garralda ME, Chalder T. (2005) Chronic fatigue syndrome in childhood.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 46 , 1143–51.
NICE (2007) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalitis: Diagnosis and
Management. London: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excel-
lence. (This includes information and recommendations for children and
White Pet al. (2011) Comparison of adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive
behaviour therapy, graded exercise therapy, and specialist medical care
for chronic fatigue syndrome (PACE): a randomised trial.Lancet 377 ,
823–836. (Although the patients were adults, this thorough trial showed
that either CBT or graded exercise [they were not tested in combination]
were superior to ordinary specialist medical care or adaptive pacing,
whereby the patient dictates the pace of recovery. Sadly the trial led
to death threats to some of the authors from an angry minority of CFS
sufferers, who appeared to be very concerned by the prospect of being
told they might get better.)

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