Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

(singke) #1

194 Chapter 24

Box 24.1Some symptoms that can occur in a psychotic episode

Perplexity (typically at the onset of a psychotic episode)
Andrew went through a period of a week or so when he was very upset because
he was sure something had gone seriously wrong, but he wasn’t sure what. He
felt confused for all of this time and nothing seemed right – it was like being
trapped in a bad dream for day after day.

Auditory hallucination
Beth hears voices when there is definitely no one around. Sometimes the
voices are speaking directly to her (‘second person’ auditory hallucinations)
and sometimes they talk to one another about her (‘third person’ auditory
hallucinations). What they say is mostly critical of her.

Thought insertion
Craig feels strange thoughts being inserted directly into his head. These thoughts
are definitely not his own thoughts. Sometimes it seems as if the thoughts are
put into his head by laser beams, mobile phone masts, or other special methods.

Thought withdrawal
Daniel sometimes experiences his own thoughts being taken out of his mind or
stolen by some strange force.

Delusions of control (passivity phenomena)
At times, Erin feels that her mind has been taken over by a strange force that
makes her do things that she did not choose to do – rather as if she had become
someone else’s robot.

Delusions of reference
Frank experiences a strange force that communicates directly with him by sending
special signs or signals that only he can understand. This sometimes happens
through the radio or television.

Persecutory delusion
Although her family and friends disagree, Gabrielle is convinced that there is a
serious plot against her, involving people who are following her around or who
are out to harm or poison her.

Grandiose delusion
Hugh has times when he is sure that he has special powers that make him far
better than other people and unbeatable. (Outside these episodes, he realises
that he is not very different from most other people of his age.)

Motor abnormalities
Isabel will suddenly bend her trunk forward in a rather uncomfortable way and
stay like that for several minutes (posturing). Sometimes she looks upwards and
says ‘Cancel, cancel’ (a mannerism). At other times she repeatedly moves her neck
to the right (a stereotypy). Occasionally she freezes (immobility).
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