Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

(singke) #1
Autistic Spectrum Disorders 55

Subject review

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2011)Autism: Recog-
nition, Referral and Diagnosis of Children and Young People on the Autism Spec-
trum. NICE: London. Available at:
Van Engeland H, Buitelaar JK. (2008) Autism spectrum disorders.In:
Rutter Met al.(eds)Rutter’s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,5thedn.
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 759–840.
Volkmar FRet al.(2004) Autism and pervasive developmental disorders.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45 , 135–170.
Woodbury-Smith MR, Volkmar FR. (2009) Asperger syndrome.European
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 18 , 2–11.

Further reading

Attwood T. (1997)Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals.
Jessica Kingsley, London.
Frith U. (2003)Autism: Explaining the Enigma. Blackwell, Oxford.
Rutter Met al. (2007) Early adolescent outcomes of institutionally deprived
and non-deprived adoptees. III. Quasi-autism.Journal of Child Psychology
and Psychiatry 48 , 1200–1207.
Simonoff Eet al. (2008) Psychiatric disorders in children with autism
spectrum disorders: Prevalence, comorbidity, and associated factors in
a population-derived sample.Journal of the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry 47 , 921–929.
Smith T. (2010) Early and intensive behavioural intervention in autism.
In: Weisz JR, Kazdin AE (eds)Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Children
and Adolescents, 2nd edn. Guilford Press, New York, pp. 312–326.
Volkmar FRet al. (1999) Practice parameters for the assessment and
treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with autism and other
pervasive developmental disorders.Journal of the American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry38 (Suppl. 12), 32–54.
Wing L, Gould J. (1979) Severe impairments of social interaction and
associated abnormalities in children: Epidemiology and classification.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 9 , 11–30. (This is the classic
account of the high rate of the ‘autistic triad’ in children with intellectual

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