Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
For this activity you will need:
 Flipchart and markers

To facilitate this activity:

1 This activity links directly with Activity 4, so you may want to introduce both topics
together. In this activity, you will explore with the group what it means to be a good
communicator with vulnerable children; in the next activity, you’ll look more closely at the
general do’s and don’ts of communicating with children.

2 Ask participants: What are the qualities of someone who communicates well with children?
List responses on flipchart paper, adding and clarifying based on your facilitator’s notes.
Explain to the group that reflecting on one’s own personality, values, and communication skills
is an important part of becoming an effective counsellor.

If you like, ask each participant to write a confidential self-assessment of his or her own strengths
and weaknesses as a communicator as homework. Explain that this exercise is not a critical
judgement of their abilities, but an opportunity to build on their strengths and address any
areas that need attention. You can use the list in your facilitator’s notes to indicate the kinds of
questions participants can reflect on to gain some self-understanding.

3 Next, ask participants: What knowledge does someone need to have in order to counsel OVC?
To help them answer this question, ask participants to brainstorm the kinds
of questions that OVC may ask them. Make sure that participants are able to
answer basic questions about HIV and AIDS, for example.

Review the responses as necessary. Emphasise that some difficult
questions that may arise during discussions with children, such as
those dealing with sexuality, illness and death. Go through different
ways that home visitors in their role as counsellors, might approach
answering them. Explain that developing good listening and
communication skills will be especially helpful when difficult
questions arise.

Issues of death and
bereavement are
covered more closely
in Topic 5.

note !!

1 hour

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Module 2^179

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