Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1
For this activity you will need:
 Flipchart and markers
 Copies of Handout 1

To facilitate this activity:

1 Explain to the participants that there are certain health precautions that we, as adults, can take
to reduce the risk of illness. For example, practising good hygiene helps to stop the spread of
germs that lead to disease. However, children may be unable to take these precautions
themselves, so they may get ill unless their healthcare needs are monitored by caregivers.

2 Ask participants to list the general healthcare needs of
children. Then ask them what the most urgent healthcare
needs in their community are. Next, ask them to describe
the healthcare needs that are particularly urgent fo
vulnerable children, who may not have adequate care and
access to treatment. Add to participants’ ideas by using
your facilitator’s notes.

3 Distribute Handout 1 and review each item with the group.
Ask them if they understand why these practices are
necessary. It is possible, for example, that they don’t know
about the transmission of germs due to poor hygiene
practices. (Hygiene is discussed further in more detail in
later activities.) Explain to the participants that they will be
sharing this health and hygiene information during home
visits and helping to ensure the health of those households
that they visit.

45 minutes

Regular health check-ups for children:
Regular check-ups done by a healthcare worker
help to monitor the growth and development
of children; and ensure that any infections are
treated. For infants and young children up
to five years old, check-ups will also involve
immunisations against serious illnesses.
(This is dealt with further in Activity 2.)

Children should also be weighed regularly and
this recorded on a clinic card. If a child is not
gaining weight adequately, then they should
be fed more regulary. If a child loses weight,
he or she should be taken to a clinic as
malnutrition may be indicated.

(^240) Unit 2, Module 3 Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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