Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Activity 4: Strategies to Equip OVC with Life Skills

In this activity, you will:
 Discuss strategies that communities can use to equip OVC with positive life skills

Facilitator’s notes:

For this activity you will need:
 Flipchart and markers

To facilitate this activity:

1 Divide the participants into the same groups used for the previous activity. Again, one group should
focus on skills necessary to have a good relationship with yourself, one group on skills necessary to
have a good relationship with others, and the last group on skills necessary for making good
decisions. This time, ask the groups to brainstorm ways that community members can pass these
skills on to OVC, referring to the lists of skills developed in the previous session.

2 Come together in plenary and have each group present their ideas. Suggest additions based on
the facilitator’s notes. Ask participants which strategies for passing on life skills are likely to be
most feasible and successful. Allow time for questions and discussion.

Activity 3

The following are some possible strategies for passing on life skills to OVC:

  • Make sure OVC have access to informal and formal counselling in the community, in
    order to discuss their feelings and problems.

  • Make sure OVC are told through words and actions that they are valued and loved.

  • Help OVC find positive ways to work through emotions such as grief, fear, anger,
    stress and depression.

  • Encourage OVC to identify and develop their special talents.

  • Help OVC stay in school.

  • Support OVC in taking positive decisions. Help them to form friendships with
    like-minded peers through support groups, youth groups or Sunday School classes.

  • Make sure OVC have access to information about the transmission and prevention
    of HIV/AIDS and other STIs.

  • Ensure that OVC have access to adult support and advice when they need to make
    difficult decisions.

  • Advocate for life skills courses to be made available to OVC through schools,
    churches, FBOs, and community-based organisations.

  • Provide training and support to those caring for OVC. Make parenting courses
    available to them.

  • Train home visitors to teach life skills to OVC.

  • Speak out against practices that limit the power OVC have over their lives, such as
    child abuse and the exploitation of and discrimination against girls.

45 minutes

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Module 4^255

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