Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Practising Making a Will

In this activity, you will:
 Get your group to practise making or writing a will

Facilitator’s notes:

In this activity, you will take the participants through the
process of writing or making a will. This will help them
to put into practice the information you gave them in the
last activity. You may need to provide assistance to
participants with this exercise, especially if literacy levels
are not high.

For this activity you will need:
 Copies of Handout 2
 Extra sheets of blank paper

To facilitate this activity:

1 Hand out copies of the sample will and sheets of blank paper to all participants. Spend a few
minutes going through the handout with the group to make sure that everyone understands what
information is required at each point. Explain that not every section will apply to every testator
(will-maker), and that more lines or even more pages can be added to sections, if needed.

2 Get participants to make a list of their assets on the sheet of blank paper. This should cover their
property, possessions and any money or savings they have. Next, they should write a list of
people they want to give their assets to, such as their children.

3 Then participants should attempt to fill in the example will.
Provide assistance where needed. Allow enough time at the
end of the session for more questions and answers, as
it is likely that many issues will be raised from this exercise.

Some terms relating to wills:
testator - person writing or making the will
executor - person appointed to manage the will
execute - perform the instructions outlined in the will
beneficiary - person who receives benefits (for example,
possessions) from the will
assets - money, property and possessions owned
estate - the assets of the deceased

1 hour

Activity 4

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Module 4^283

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