Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

4 Preparing for Home Visits: Succession Planning

In this activity, you will:
 Discuss how home visitors can give input on succession planning to OVC households

Facilitator’s notes:

In this activity, you will be reviewing the information from this topic on succession planning with the
group. You will also get the group to work on outlining a plan that they can refer to when
they need to engage terminally ill parents in succession planning.

For this activity you will need:
 Flipchart and markers
 Extra sheets of blank paper for participants to write on

To facilitate this activity:

1 Briefly review with participants the subjects raised in this topic on succession planning.

2 Hand out sheets of blank paper to the group. Ask them to think about and write down how
they would use this information in their role as home visitors. For example, they need
to consider some of the following points:

  • How would a home visitor raise the need for succession planning, such as will-making, with
    an ill parent they are visiting?

  • What advice would they give a person who wanted to write a will?

  • How would they explain the need for a memory box?

  • How would they get someone to choose a standby guardian?

  • How would they show support to a standby guardian?

Refer the group again to their Referral Informationlists. For example, if a guardian needs emotional
support, then the home visitor should be able to identify where they can get counselling and
to have the details listed.

3 When participants have all come up with ideas of succession planning points that they can take
action on, discuss their ideas in plenary. You may write them up on the flipchart for the group
to copy if they wish to.

4 Have the participants add these pages to their home visitor’s handbooks
for reference, along with all the handouts relevant to this topic.

30 minutes

Activity 10

Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Unit 2, Module 4^293

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