Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Enhancing Self-Awareness in Caregivers

Handout 1 - Module 2 Topic 8

Caregivers need to be helped to introspect and to determine what their own needs are;
and to identify their challenges, their strengths and their weaknesses. To do this, caregivers
need to go through a process of self-evaluation to find out their strengths and inner

Caregivers need to find out what their strengths, skills, qualities and
abilities are. Some questions to help caregivers reflect on their lives
 What do you enjoy the most about giving care?
 What are the main challenges you face as a caregiver?
 What do enjoy doing during your spare time?
 How often do you take time off from your caregiving duties to pursue other
 Do you have anyone to share feelings, thoughts and problems with?





Home visitors can also help caregivers by making sure that they are
able to:
 Relax and have time to do the things they enjoy (for example, a hobby
such as sewing)
 Make sure they are eating properly and getting enough rest
 Share their experiences and problems with someone
 Get support with household chores, shopping and planting, etc.
 Have some spiritual support when they need it
 Spend time with friends and people they like.





Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Appendix 1, Handouts^323

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