Basic Health Information
Handout 6 - Module 3 Topic 3
Symptoms of illness:Look out for symptoms of illness, especially coughs, fever, rapid or
difficult breathing, loss of appetite, poor weight gain, diarrhoea and vomiting. Seek treatment
for as many of these symptoms as soon as possible.
Immunisations:Ensure that all children are immunised, but a child with HIV should not be
given a BCG or yellow fever vaccine.
Diarrhoea: Give foods containing potassium, such as bananas, spinach and coconut water.
Give a child with diarrhoea more fluids to drink than usual, such as an oral rehydration
solution, water, soups, yoghurt drinks, coconut water and rice water. Feed the child regularly
and seek help if the diarrhoea continues for more than three days, or there is blood in the
stool, the child vomits often, eats or drinks poorly, or has a fever.
Fever: Give plenty of fluids to children with fever, and paracetamol to reduce the
temperature. Take the child to a clinic if the fever lasts more than three days, and as soon
as possible if the child also has convulsions, diarrhoea, stiff neck and a cough, or if there is
malaria in the area.
Malaria: If possible, children should sleep under an insecticide-treated mosquito net.
Infectious diseases: Take care to keep children away from people infected with TB,
pneumonia and measles.
Nausea:Give lemon juice in warm water or a ginger drink to reduce nausea.
Vaginal thrush (itchiness in the vagina): A tampon dipped in plain yoghurt or a peeled
clove of garlic can be inserted into the vagina. They should be removed and replaced twice a
day; and removed when the condition clears.
Oral thrush (white patches or fungus-like growth in mouth):
Give unsweetened yoghurt or sour porridge.
Sore throat:Give mashed foods such as bananas and sweet potatoes to children who cannot
swallow easily.
Preventing infections: Give herbs like garlic, ginger, tumeric and moringa leaf powder to
prevent many infections.
Pain: Give paracetamol for pain.
(^334) Appendix 1, Handouts Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children