Orphans and Vulnerable Children - CRIN

(Tina Sui) #1

Facilitator or Trainer Evaluation Sheet

Trainer being observed:_______________________________________________________________________
Training activity: ______________________________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________Venue:_______________________________________________

  1. Knowledge and preparation
    Was the trainer well prepared?
    Was the trainer’s presentation well organised?
    Did the trainer know the subject matter?
    Did the trainer present accurate information?
    Did the trainer use appropriate language?
    Did the trainer stay on the prescribed subject?

  2. Visual aids
    Did the trainer use aids appropriately?
    Was the trainer effective in relating the
    information from the visual aid?

Did the trainer write legibly on the flipchart?

  1. Sensitivity
    Did the trainer display sensitivity towards the feelings and cultural concerns of participants?
    Did the trainer express appreciation for participant input?
    Did the trainer treat participants with respect?
    Did the trainer respect confidentiality?
    Did the trainer respond to signals (e.g. when a participant appeared to be upset or tired)?
    Did the trainer appear to be sincere and personally convinced about the subject?

Response options:
0 = none of the time 2 = some of the time 4 = all of the time

  1. Delivery and manner
    Did the trainer use appropriate body language?
    (good eye contact, facial expressions, etc)

Was the trainer interesting and engaging?
Was the trainer self confident?
Did the trainer’s appearance (e.g. dress, etc)
detract from the presentation?

Was the trainer creative and innovative?
Did the trainer speak clearly and loudly enough?
Did the trainer explain information clearly and
in understandable terms?

Did the trainer conduct the training at a desirable

(^346) Appendix 2, Further Infomation Guide to Mobilising and Strengthening Community-Led Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

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