Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare

(coco) #1

114 The Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare Practice

Traps that limit learning

Hawkins and Smith (2006) identified the following learning traps—
all limit the ability of the learner to transform learning into
identifiable change.

Firefighting or compulsive pragmatic activity

There is much to be said for the risk-taker who will not hesitate to
try something new. However, this can lead to the “plan-do-plan-do”
trap. Here if the plan doesn’t work, do something differently. Done
overboard, this level of learning will simply stay at the level of trial
and error.


Too much reflection can lead to overthinking “what went wrong.”
Resist the urge to simply use reflection as a time to provide
correction. The point of reflection is to heighten meaningful

Navel-gazing and theorizing

Just as the challenge of risk-takers is over “doing,” the challenge of
the careful planner is over “planning.” Reflecting and theorizing can
lead to a cyclical trap, and without action true learning will not

Paralysis by analysis

This is connected to the above trap, which is more of an “analyze-

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