Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare

(coco) #1
Chapter 6: Coaching Models 153

when, how often, and how the coaching will occur
(observations and demonstrations).

Step 3:

and action

This step occurs in at least two distinct settings:

  • Learners watch the coach or another expert
    demonstrate the desired skill or practice.

  • Coaches observe the learner using the skill or
    By watching a demonstration of the desired skill, learners
    gain a deeper understanding of their learning goals and are
    more able to assess their own learning needs.
    Coaches may demonstrate the skill for learners, ideally in a
    natural setting (an interview with a client, home visit, unit
    meeting, stakeholder meeting, etc.). Depending on the role
    of the coach within the agency, the client may need to
    consent to the participation of the coach. (For information
    on organizational liability, see Chapter 10: Ethics .)

Coaches also must observe learners practicing the new skill
either through a role-play, a tape, audio recording, or a
real-time event. Coaches gather information during this
time to analyze use of the skill, noticing details that reflect
the effect of skill, practice, or behavior of the participants in
the session.
Coaches must use or develop a rubric on which to base
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