Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare

(coco) #1
Chapter 11: Considerations of Coaching 277

unique perspective of observing the agency functioning as a whole
while simultaneously working with individuals at the practice level.
In this position, the coach may encounter ethical dilemmas, for
example, unsafe decision making for children that requires
attention, either at a systemic and/or individual level. Unaddressed,
this presents the coach with potential pitfalls from both sides; calling
attention to problems with individual learners might damage the
coaching relationship or identifying a systemic problem may be
viewed unfavorably by the agency. Further, with some coaches
uncertain of their footing, the issue may go wholly unaddressed,
potentially exposing the organization and the individuals involved,
coach included, to a higher risk of liability. Therefore, the coach,
agency, and learner must have an agreement of how each
participant is to handle and address such dilemmas.

I will have a clear agreement upon how

coaching information will be exchanged

among coach, client (learner) and

sponsor (agency).

~ ICF Code of Ethics


This toolkit cannot provide conclusive information about the
liability of coaching in the child welfare organization; liability laws,

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