Coaching Toolkit for Child Welfare

(coco) #1
Chapter 4: Capacity Building 65

An objective is a statement of a behavior that must be achieved and
maintained in order for the goal to be accomplished (Meyer, 2003).


The goal must be clear and unambiguous without vagaries and
platitudes. Specific goals describe exactly what is expected, why it is
important, who’s involved, where it is going to happen, and which
attributes are important.

 Who: Who is involved?

 What: What do I want to accomplish?

 Where: Identify a location.

 When: Establish a time frame.

 Which: Identify requirements and constraints.

 Why: Specific reasons, purpose, or benefits of accomplishing the

 How: How the learner and coach will know progress is being


If a goal is not measurable, it is not possible to know whether a
learner is making progress toward successful completion of that
goal. Measuring progress is supposed to help learners stay on track,
reach target dates, and most importantly, feel successful.

To determine if the goal is measurable, ask questions such as

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