productivity associated with
preterm births totaled $5.7 billion
in 2005.^45
• Complications of pregnancy
account for 4,039 cases of short-
term disability per million covered
lives. In 2004, the average length
of a pregnancy-related short-term
disability is 7 days.^46
• Complications of pregnancy
account for 203 cases of long-
term disability per million
covered lives. The major causes
of long-term disability are:
twin pregnancy, premature
labor, antepartum hemorrhage,
postpartum hemorrhage, and
other complications. Most cases
resolve within 1 year.^46
Average Prenatal Care and Maternity-Related Hospital
Payments for Privately-Insured Women, 200 4
$7 ,20 5
$10 ,32 4
$46 3
$52 3
$2 ,00 0
$4 ,00 0
$6 ,00 0
$8 ,00 0
$10 ,00 0
$12 ,00 0
Infant Hospital Charges
5,80 0
205 ,00 0
$50 ,000
$10 0,000
$15 0,000
$20 0,000
$25 0,000
Normal birt hweigh t Low birt hweight
He alth care Cos ts Paid by Employe rs for
Care in th e Firs t Ye ar of Li fe , 200 1
$2 ,83 0
$41 ,61 0
$5,00 0
$1 0,000
$1 5,000
$2 0,000
$2 5,000
$3 0,000
$3 5,000
$4 0,000
$4 5,000
Full -T erm Deli very , No
Compli ca tions
Deli very with Diagnosis
of Pre maturi ty
Healthcare Costs Paid by Employees for Care
in the First Year of Life, 2001
Full-Term Delivery
Delivery with Diagnosis
of Prematurity
Source: March of Dimes. Costs of Maternity and Infant Care. White Plains, NY:
March of Dimes; June 2007
Preterm birth costs the U.S. economy $26.2 billion annually in medical, educational, and lost productivity costs.^1
Costing Out an Unhealthy Pregnancy
Analyzing your company’s medical claims will help you better
understand the cost of pregnancy complications in your
population. Standard metrics related to pregnancy outcomes
may be able to help you identify beneficiary risk profiles,
healthcare access problems, or other issues. Claims data,
paired with the following information, can help you develop a
value proposition for investing in healthy pregnancies^28 :
- Number/rate of preterm births.
- Rate of cesarean delivery.
- Rate of NICU admissions and re-admissions.
- Rate of labor induction.
To learn more about pregnancy-related costs, tract the
following diagnosis and procedure codes:
Diagnosis Codes^28
640-648: Complications mainly related to pregnancy.
650-659: Normal delivery and other indications for care in
pregnancy, labor and delivery.
660-669: Complications occurring mainly in the course of
labor and delivery.
670-677: Complications of the puerperum (after childbirth).
Procedure Codes^28
73.0: Labor induction by artificial rupture of the membranes.
73.1: Other induction of labor.
73.4: Medical induction of labor.
74.0-74.9: Cesarean section.