Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

  1. In an accident with farm machinery, Mr. R. had his
    left arm severed just below the elbow. Mrs. R.
    stopped the bleeding, called for an ambulance,
    and packed the severed arm in ice for the EMTs
    to take to the hospital. Will Mr. R. ever be able
    to move the fingers of his left hand again? What
    structures must be reattached, and what has to

  2. Name all of the muscles you can think of that move
    the thigh at the hip. Group them as synergists, if
    possible. Then pair those groups or individual
    muscles as antagonists.

  3. Muscle contraction is important for posture.
    Muscles oppose each other, contracting equally to
    keep us upright. Picture the body in anatomic posi-
    tion, and describe what would happen if each of
    these muscles relaxedcompletely:
    Semispinalis capitis
    Rectus abdominis

Quadriceps femoris
Gluteus maximus

  1. An exercise for skiers involves sitting against a wall
    as if you were sitting in a chair, but without a chair.
    Thighs should be parallel to the floor and the knees
    should make a 90oangle. Try it. What kind of
    exercise is this? Which muscles are doing most of
    the work (which ones begin to hurt)? Which do
    you think would be easier: 3 minutes of this exer-
    cise or 3 minutes of jogging? Can you think of an

  2. Can you juggle? Don’t just say “no”—have you
    ever tried? Find some old tennis balls and try jug-
    gling two balls with one hand, or three balls with
    two hands. Explain how muscle sense is involved in
    Now try to imagine what it would be like to be
    without muscle sense. Some people do not have
    muscle sense in certain parts of their bodies. Who
    are these people, and what has happened that cost
    them their muscle sense (and muscle contraction)?

162 The Muscular System


  1. In terms of ions and charges, describe: (p. 145)
    a. Polarization
    b. Depolarization
    c. Repolarization

  2. With respect to the sliding filament mechanism,
    explain the function of: (p. 146)
    a. Acetylcholine
    b. Calcium ions

c. Myosin and actin
d. Troponin and tropomyosin
e. Cholinesterase

  1. State three of the body’s physiological responses
    to exercise, and explain how each helps maintain
    homeostasis. (pp. 147–148)

  2. Find the major muscles on yourself, and state a
    function of each muscle

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