Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

impulses generated is very intense, and the brain may
interpret any intense sensation as pain. A few minutes
later the bright light seems fine because the rods are
recycling their rhodopsin slowly, and it is not breaking
down all at once.
Chemical reactions in the cones, also involving
retinal, are brought about by different wavelengths of
light. It is believed that there are three types of cones:
red-absorbing, blue-absorbing, and green-absorbing
cones. Each type absorbs wavelengths over about a
third of the visible light spectrum, so red cones,
for example, absorb light of the red, orange, and
yellow wavelengths. The chemical reactions in cones
also generate electrical impulses (see Box 9–4: Night
Blindness and Color Blindness).
The impulses from the rods and cones are trans-
mitted to ganglion neurons(see Fig. 9–6); these con-
verge at the optic disc and become the optic nerve,
which passes posteriorly through the wall of the eye-
ball. Ganglion neurons also seem to have a photo-
receptor chemical (called melanopsin) that may
contribute to the daily resetting of our biological

The optic nerves from both eyes come together at
the optic chiasma(or chiasm), just in front of the
pituitary gland (see Fig. 8–11). Here, the medial fibers
of each optic nerve cross to the other side. This cross-
ing permits each visual area to receive impulses from
both eyes, which is important for binocular vision.
The visual areas are in the occipital lobesof the
cerebral cortex. Although each eye transmits a slightly
different picture (look straight ahead and close one
eye at a time to see the difference between the two pic-
tures), the visual areas put them together, or integrate
them, to make a single image that has depth and three
dimensions. This is called binocular vision. The
visual areas also right the image, because the image on
the retina is upside down. The image on film in a cam-
era is also upside down, but we don’t even realize that
because we look at the pictures right side up. The
brain just as automatically ensures that we see our
world right side up.
Also for near vision, the pupils constrict to block
out peripheral light rays that would otherwise blur the
image, and the eyes converge even further to keep the
images on the corresponding parts of both retinas.

The Senses 209


color blindness on his X chromosome has no gene
at all for color vision on his Y chromosome and will
be color blind.

Night blindness, the inability to see well in dim
light or at night, is usually caused by a deficiency of
vitamin A, although some night blindness may
occur with aging. Vitamin A is necessary for the syn-
thesis of rhodopsin in the rods. Without sufficient
vitamin A, there is not enough rhodopsin present to
respond to low levels of light.
Color blindnessis a genetic disorder in which
one of the three sets of cones is lacking or non-
functional. Total color blindness, the inability to see
any colors at all, is very rare. The most common
form is red-green color blindness, which is the
inability to distinguish between these colors. If
either the red cones or green cones are nonfunc-
tional, the person will still see most colors, but will
not have the contrast that the non-working set of
cones would provide. So red and green shades will
look somewhat similar, without the definite differ-
ence most of us see. This is a sex-linked trait; the
recessive gene is on the X chromosome. A woman
with one gene for color blindness and a gene for
normal color vision on her other X chromosome will
not be color blind but may pass the gene for color
blindness to her children. A man with a gene for

Box Figure 9–B Example of color patterns used to
detect color blindness.
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