Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

238 The Endocrine System


more water is lost as well, symptoms include
greater urinary output (polyuria) and thirst (poly-
The long-term effects of hyperglycemia produce
distinctive vascular changes. The capillary walls
thicken, and exchange of gases and nutrients
diminishes. The most damaging effects are seen in
the skin (especially of the feet), the retina (diabetic
retinopathy), and the kidneys. Poorly controlled
diabetes may lead to dry gangrene, blindness, and
severe kidney damage. Atherosclerosis is common,
because faulty triglyceride metabolism is linked to
faulty glucose metabolism. Neuropathy (damage to
nerves) leads to impaired cutaneous sensation and
difficulty with fine movements, such as buttoning a
shirt. It is now possible for diabetics to prevent
much of this tissue damage by precise monitoring
of the blood glucose level and more frequent
administration of insulin. Insulin pumps are able to
more closely mimic the natural secretion of insulin.
A very serious potential problem for the type 1
diabetic is ketoacidosis. When glucose cannot be
used for energy, the body turns to fats and proteins,
which are converted by the liver to ketones.
Ketones are organic acids (acetone, acetoacetic
acid) that can be used in cell respiration, but cells
are not able to utilize them rapidly so ketones
accumulate in the blood. Ketones are acids, and
lower the pH of the blood as they accumulate. The
kidneys excrete excess ketones, but in doing so
excrete more water as well, which leads to dehy-
dration and worsens the acidosis. Without adminis-
tration of insulin to permit the use of glucose, and
IV fluids to restore blood volume to normal, ketoaci-
dosis will progress to coma and death.

There are two types of diabetes mellitus: Type 1
is called insulin-dependent diabetes and its onset is
usually in childhood (juvenile onset). Type 2
is called non–insulin-dependent diabetes, and its
onset is usually later in life (maturity onset).
Type 1diabetes is characterized by destruction
of the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans and a
complete lack of insulin (see Box Figure 10–A);
onset is usually abrupt. Destruction of the beta cells
is an autoimmune response, perhaps triggered by a
virus. There may be a genetic predisposition,
because certain HLA types are found more fre-
quently in type 1 diabetics than in other children
(see Box 11–5: HLA). Insulin by injection (inhaled
insulin is undergoing clinical trials) is essential to
control type 1 diabetes. Research is continuing on
the use of immunosuppressant medications to try
to preserve some beta cells (if diagnosis is early),
and also on the transplantation of stem cells to
replace lost beta cells.
Intype 2diabetes, insulin is produced but can-
not exert its effects on cells because of a loss of
insulin receptors on cell membranes (see Box Figure
10–A). Onset of type 2 diabetes is usually gradual,
and risk factors include a family history of diabetes
and being overweight. Control may not require
insulin, but rather medications that enable insulin
to react with the remaining membrane receptors.
For those with a family history of diabetes, a low-fat
diet and regular exercise reduce the risk of devel-
oping the disease. The commitment to exercise
must be lifelong but is well worth the effort,
because diabetes is very destructive.
Without insulin (or its effects) blood glucose level
remains high, and glucose is lost in urine. Since

A Normal B Type 1 C Type 2


Insulin Receptor

Box Figure 10–A (A) Cell membrane in normal state, with insulin receptors and
insulin to regulate glucose intake. (B) Cell membrane in type 1 diabetes: insulin not
present, glucose remains outside cell. (C) Cell membrane in type 2 diabetes: without
insulin receptors, glucose remains outside cell.
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