Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

(avery) #1

The functions of the other adrenal cortical hor-
mones are well known, however, and these are consid-
ered vital hormones.


Aldosteroneis the most abundant of the mineralo-
corticoids, and we will use it as a representative of this
group of hormones. The target organs of aldosterone
are the kidneys, but there are important secondary
effects as well. Aldosterone increases the reabsorption
of sodium and the excretion of potassium by the kid-
ney tubules. Sodium ions (Na) are returned to the
blood, and potassium ions (K) are excreted in urine.
Look at Fig. 10–10 as you read the following.
As Naions are reabsorbed, hydrogen ions (H)
may be excreted in exchange. This is one mechanism
to prevent the accumulation of excess Hions, which
would cause acidosis of body fluids. Also, as Naions
are reabsorbed, negative ions such as chloride (Cl)
and bicarbonate (HCO 3 – ) follow the Naions back to
the blood, and water follows by osmosis. This indirect
effect of aldosterone, the reabsorption of water by the
kidneys, is very important to maintain normal blood
volume and blood pressure. In summary, then, aldos-
terone maintains normal blood levels of sodium and

potassium, and contributes to the maintenance of nor-
mal blood pH, blood volume, and blood pressure.
A number of factors stimulate the secretion of
aldosterone. These are a deficiency of sodium, loss of
blood or dehydration that lowers blood pressure, or an
elevated blood level of potassium. Low blood pressure
or blood volume activates the renin-angiotensin
mechanismof the kidneys. This mechanism is dis-
cussed in Chapters 13 and 18, so we will say for now
that the process culminates in the formation of a
chemical called angiotensin II. Angiotensin II causes
vasoconstriction and stimulates the secretion of aldos-
terone by the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone then
increases sodium and water retention by the kidneys
to help restore blood volume and blood pressure to

We will use cortisolas a representative of the group
of hormones called glucocorticoids, because it is
responsible for most of the actions of this group
(Fig. 10–11). Cortisol increases the use of fats and
excess amino acids (gluconeogenesis) for energy and
decreases the use of glucose. This is called the glucose-
sparing effect, and it is important because it conserves

240 The Endocrine System

Adrenal cortex


K+ ions

Na+ ions
HCO 3 – ions reabsorbed

H 2 O reabsorbed

H+ ions excreted

Blood volume,
blood pressure,
and pH are

Figure 10–10. Functions of aldosterone. Direct and indirect functions are shown.
QUESTION:What ions does aldosterone have a direct effect on, and what is the effect?
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