Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Typical procedure (for guidance only) †

5.0 m

5.0 m

1.0 m

2.5 m 2.5 m

2.9 m 2.9^ m
30 °
30 °

1 m wide strip

0.15 m x 0.5 m (assumed)

Note: For roof pitch >30°, snow load = 0„75 kN/m^2
Dead+imposed load is, 26„56 kN+7„80 kN = 34„36 kN
Given that the subsoil has a safe bearing capacity of 75 kN/m^2 ,
W = load...bearing capacity = 34„36...75 = 0„458 m or 458 mm
Therefore a foundation width of 500 mm is adequate.
Note: This example assumes the site is sheltered. If it is necessary
to make allowance for wind loading, reference should be made to
BS 6399-2: Code of practice for wind loads.

Dead load per m run (see pages 35 and 36)
Substructure brickwork, 1 m ¾ 1m¾ 476 kg/m^2 = 476 kg
.. .. .. .. cavity conc. (50 mm), 1 m ¾ 1m¾ 2300 kg/m^3 = 115 kg
Foundation concrete, 0„15 m ¾1m¾0„5 m ¾
2300 kg/m^3

= 173 kg

Superstructure brickwork, 5 m ¾ 1m¾ 221 kg/m^2 = 1105 kg
.. .. .. .. .. blockwork & ins., 5 m ¾ 1m¾ 79 kg/m^2 = 395 kg
.. .. .. .. .. 2 coat plasterwork, 5 m ¾1m¾22 kg/m^2 = 110 kg
Floor joists/boards/plstrbrd., 2„5 m ¾ 1m¾ 42„75 kg/m^2 = 107 kg
Ceiling joists/plstrbrd/ins., 2„5 m ¾ 1m¾ 19„87 kg/m^2 =50kg
Rafters, battens & felt, 2„9 m ¾ 1m¾12„10 kg/m^2 =35kg
Single lap tiling, 2„9 m ¾ 1m¾ 49 kg/m^2 = 142 kg

2708 kg
Note: kg ¾9„81 = Newtons
Therefore: 2708 kg ¾ 9„81 = 26565 N or 26„56 kN
Imposed load per m run (see BS 6399-1: Code of practice for dead
and imposed loads) †
Floor, 2„5 m ¾ 1m¾ 1„5 kN/m^2 = 3„75 kN
Roof, 2„9 m ¾ 1m¾ 1„5 kN/m^2 (snow) = 4„05 kN
7„80 kN

Foundations---Calculated Sizing

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