Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Temporary Support ~ in the context of excavations this is called
timbering irrespective of the actual materials used. If the sides of
the excavation are completely covered with timbering it is known
as close timbering whereas any form of partial covering is called
open timbering.
An adequate supply of timber or other suitable material must be
available and used to prevent danger to any person employed in
an excavation from a fall or dislodgement of materials forming the
sides of an excavation.
A suitable barrier or fence must be provided to the sides of all
excavations or alternatively they must be securely covered.
Materials must not be placed near to the edge of any excavation,
nor must plant be placed or moved near to any excavation so that
persons employed in the excavation are endangered.

Excavations up to 2.5 m deep---Temporary Support

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