Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
System ~ comprises quality controlled factory produced
components of plain reinforced concrete walls and prestressed
concrete hollow or solid core plank floors.

Site Assembly ~ components are crane lifted and stacked manually
with the floor panel edges bearing on surrounding walls. Temporary
support will be necessary until the units are ``stitched'' together
with horizontal and vertical steel reinforcing ties located through
reinforcement loops projecting from adjacent panels. In-situ
concrete completes the structural connection to provide full
transfer of all forces and loads through the joint. Precast
concrete stair flights and landings are located and connected to
support panels by steel angle bracketing and in-situ concrete

Typical ``stitched'' joint between precast concrete crosswall
components ~

RC crosswall PLAN VIEW

vertical reinforcement
tie and in-situ
concrete in void
joint seal RC external

as required


movement joint
(12 m max. spacing)

purpose made
wall tie in
dovetail recess

panel reinforcement
looped at ends

Crosswall Construction -- Precast Concrete

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