Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Simple beam design (Deflection)
The deflection due to loading, other than the weight of the
structure, should not exceed 1/360 of the span.

The formula to determine the extent of deflection varies,
depending on:-

(a) Point loading

(b) Uniformly distributed loading

where: W = load in kN
L = span in cm
E = Young's modulus of elasticity (typically 21,000 kN/cm^2
for steel)
I = 2nd moment of area about the x-x axis (see BS 4-1)

Using the example of 200 kN uniformly distributed over a 4 m

Deflection =5WL


(^5) ¾ (^200) ¾ (^43) ¾ 1003
(^384) ¾ (^21000) ¾ 9504 = 0„835cm
Permissible deflection is 1/360 of 4 m = 11„1 mm or 1„11 cm.
Therefore actual deflection of 8„35 mm or 0„835 cm is acceptable.
Ref. BS 5950-1: Structural use of steelwork in building. Code of
practice for design. Rolled and welded sections.
Structural Steelwork---Beam Design (3)

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