Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
CI/SfB System ~ this is a coded filing system for the classification
and storing of building information and data. It was created in
Sweden under the title of Samarbetskommitte..nfo..r Byggnadsfraƒgor
and was introduced into this country in 1961 by the RIBA. In 1968
the CI (Construction Index) was added to the system which is used
nationally and recognised throughout the construction industry.
The system consists of 5 sections called tables which are
subdivided by a series of letters or numbers and these are listed in
the CI/SfB index book to which reference should always be made in
the first instance to enable an item to be correctly filed or

Table 0 † Physical Environment
This table contains ten sections 0 to 9 and deals mainly with the
end product (i.e. the type of building.) Each section can be further
subdivided (e.g. 21, 22, et seq.) as required.

Table 1 † Elements
This table contains ten sections numbered (††) to (9†) and covers all
parts of the structure such as walls, floors and services. Each sec-
tion can be further subdivided (e.g. 31, 32 et seq.) as required.

Table 2 † Construction Form
This table contains twenty five sections lettered A to Z (O being
omitted) and covers construction forms such as excavation work,
blockwork, cast in-situ work etc., and is not subdivided but used in
conjunction with Table 3.

Table 3 † Materials
This table contains twenty five sections lettered a to z (l being
omitted) and covers the actual materials used in the construction
form such as metal, timber, glass etc., and can be subdivided (e.g. n1,
n2 et seq.) as required.

Table 4 † Activities and Requirements
This table contains twenty five sections lettered (A) to (Z), (O being
omitted) and covers anything which results from the building
process such as shape, heat, sound, etc. Each section can be further
subdivided ((M1), (M2) et seq.) as required.

CI/SfB System of Coding

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