Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

c- Crosswind template:

A transparent crosswind template is a
useful aid in carrying out the
windrose analysis. The template is
essentially a series of three parallel
lines drawn to the same scale as the
windrose. The allowable crosswind
component for the runway establishes
the physical distance between the
outer parallel lines and the centerline.

d- Analysis procedure:

The purpose of the analysis is to
determine the runway orientation
which provides the greatest wind
coverage within the allowable
crosswind component limits (Figure
6 - 1). This can be readily estimated by
rotating the crosswind template about
the windrose center point until the
sum of the individual segment
percentages appearing between the
outer “crosswind limit” lines is

Figure 6 - 1 Runway Orientation- Windrose

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