Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1


7.1 Airport Design Standards

The FAA has developed design guidelines to assist airport designers and to ensure a certain
amount of uniformity in the design of airport facilities. Widths, gradients, separations, and
other geometric design criteria for runways, taxiway systems, and aprons are all involved.
The airport design standards aim to define the design elements required to ensure safety
and efficiency in accordance with national policy.

In this chapter, Advisory Circular 150/5300- 13 - A "Airport Design" is the primary source
of most airfield design standards.

The Runway Design Code (RDC) to Airport classification, which is C-VI, as determined
in section 5.1, is used to determine the standards that apply to a specific runway and
taxiway system to allow unrestricted operations by the design aircraft under desired
meteorological conditions.

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