Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

10 .2.3 Approach Lighting System

  • Approach lighting

  • Approach lighting systems (ALS) are designed specifically to provide guidance for aircraft
    approaching a particular runway under nighttime or other low-visibility conditions. While
    under nighttime conditions it may be possible to view approach lighting systems from
    several miles away. ALS is a configuration of signal lights starting at the landing threshold
    and extending into the approach area a distance of 2400-3000 feet for precision instrument

  • In the high-intensity ALSs, the 4m crossbars of five-bulb white light are placed at 30m
    intervals for a distance of 731m from the runway threshold on the extended runway

  • The high-intensity ALSs have a long crossbar of green lights at the edge of the runway

  • The ALS system, shown in Figure 10- 23 , has two additional crossbars consisting of
    three-bulb white light crossbars which are placed symmetrically about the runway
    centerline at a distance of 150m from the runway threshold.

  • Two additional three-bulb red light crossbars are placed symmetrically about the
    extended runway centerline at 30m intervals for the inner 300m to delineate the edges of
    the runway surface.

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