Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1


As one journeys through life, it is soon recognized that very little of what we accomplish
as individuals is a solitary act. Cooperation and collaboration are what underlie our actions
as human beings and it is through our interactions with others that we invariably create our

We would like to acknowledge those colleagues, friends, and loved ones who made our
graduation project journey possible.

Special gratitude and thanks to the Advisor Prof. Sameer Abu-Eisheh, for his guidance and
constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project.

Our thanks and appreciations also go to our colleagues in the other part of this project,
Mohammad Nazzal and Sabreen Salameh for their ongoing support in the project, all our
love for their willing helps.

We are also grateful to Eng. Omar Salman – Civil Aviation Authority and Eng Jamal
Zetawi -Minister of Local Government, for the provision of expertise, and technical
support in the implementation. Without their superior knowledge and experience, the
Project would not come out with these efficient outcomes.

Our sincere thanks to Ahmad Abd Al- Ghafoor and Mohammad Ateer who devoted their
time and knowledge in the practical side of GIS to the implementation of this project,
without waiting for any return.

We are highly indebted to our continuous source of giving and support, our families.

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