Palestine International Airport (Al-Auja)

(Noor Al-Dian Rabaya) #1

- Percentage of passengers who travel by air:

As the only possible way to know the number of Palestinians who travel through airports
is from Jordanian Aviation, the following numbers were obtained from the Jordanian
Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Table 5- 6 shows the percentage of Palestinian air passengers from total passengers in 2014
and 2019. It is to be indicated that Palestinians who travel through Israeli occupation
airports are very limited and thus ignored.

Table 5 - 6Palestinian air passengers in Jordan (West Bank citizens) 2014 and

%Air Passengers of

Passengers through
Jordanian airports


Year (^) Passengers
2014 983,962 217,374 22.1%
2019 1,493,161 336,592 22.5%
*Source: Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
The average percentage of air passengers of total passengers = 22.3%.

- Forecasting Air Demand (West Bank Citizens) through 2027-2050:

a- As shown in Table 5-5, the average traveling passenger percentage of the
population is 66%. Assuming an annual increment of 1% until 2050, the
percentages will be:

  • 74% in 2027

  • 81% in 2034

  • 89% in 2042

  • 89% in 2050

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